High Tech Institute collaborates in a partnership-of-equals together with content providers Mechatronics Academy (MA), Technical Training for Professionals (T2Prof), Systems and Software Academy (SA) and Settels Savenije Friedrich (SSF). Additionally, High Tech Institute works together closely with its sister organization Techwatch, the publishing house of the magazines Bits&Chips and Mechatronica&Machinebouw and event organizer for the high-tech industry.

Mechatronics Academy, located in the Brainport region Eindhoven, is run by leading experts, who combine insights from academics with many years of industrial experience. The pool of trainers consists of a mix of experts from industry and universities, who understand that it’s not about what you tell during a training session but what the participants can apply after the training. Consequently, alongside the theoretical basics, interaction and practical exercises are also essential parts of all training sessions. Mechatronics Academy was founded by Jan van Eijk, Adrian Rankers and Maarten Steinbuch

Settels, Savenije & Friedrich develops and delivers soft skill training, coaching and leadership development programs specifically designed for technical professionals. With our strategy for learning and development we have become the partner of small and big companies in the high tech industry. Our trainers are all senior in their trainer competences as well as experienced in working in a technical environment. In the training itself we are focused on letting the participant practically experience whatever the insight or competence it is he needs to learn. In this way participants leave the training with the confidence needed to apply the newly learned skills and with the motivation to do so. Settels, Savenije & Friedrich was founded by Jaco Friedrich, Guustaaf Savenije and John Settels.

Systems & Software Academy(SSAC)
Systems & Software Academy (SSAC) helps customers to keep up with the rapidly developing areas of digitization and complex systems. SSAC does this with a portfolio of software, system architecting and system engineering related training courses. Especially our trainers with extensive industrial experience make the difference. SSAC was founded by René Raaijmakers and Ger Schoeber.

Technical Training for Professionals (T2Prof) offers various courses on electronics and optics originating from The Philips Centre for Technical Training (CTT). Technical Training for Professionals (T2Prof) brings these courses to the market in cooperation with High Tech Institute. T2Prof was founded by Hans Vink, former field director of the Electronics and Optics section at Philips CTT. He continues the CTT method of working, where experienced R&D staff, experts in their field, act as teachers.